Horace Mann Early Learning Center & Early Childhood Programs » Head Start

Head Start

Head Start promotes school readiness of preschool children from low-income families by supporting development through comprehensive services. Through relationships with adults, play and planned instruction, children grow in many aspects of development with a strong emphasis on social emotional growth.  All children receive health and developmental screenings, nutritious meals, oral health and mental health support.  Parents and families are supported in achieving their goals, such as housing stability, continued education and financial security. The Head Start program engages families around children's learning and development. 
The Head Start program operates from August through May, Monday through Friday, following the Rock Island/Milan School District calendar. We have 17 classrooms located in 8 different buildings with each part day classroom having two teaching staff and one family service worker and each full day classroom having three teaching staff and one family service worker.  The program starts approximately one week after the district starts to allow time for training and home visits and ends approximately one week before the district ends to allow for end of the year wrap ups. 
9 classrooms are considered part-day operating 4 hours a day.  The hours of operation are typically 8:30am - 12:30pm. Busing is provided at some locations while others are walk-in centers. 8 classrooms are considered full-day operating 8:00-2:30 with early dismissal at 12:30 on Thursdays. Busing is not available for full-day classrooms.
Head Start is federally funded and follows income guidelines for eligibility.  Please call our office (309-793-5928) if you are interested in learning more about Head Start services or eligibility. We look forward to supporting your family.
Click on this link to provide us with some information so that we may contact you to enroll your child in our preschool programs! 
Head Start Curriculum 
The organization of the Head Start curriculum and instruction has a firm foundation in the development of the young child.  It is based on the premise that children learn best through active, engaged, meaningful learning experiences. Environments for children are appropriate for their age and stage of development. Teachers respond to children as individuals to facilitate their growth.  Developmentally appropriate, research-based curricula provide for all areas of a child's development through and integrated, play-based approach that includes strength-based approaches for dual language learners. 
Creative Curriculum and Conscious Discipline make up the primary curriculum in our Head Start program.