E-Learning » Parent Resources

Parent Resources

RIMSD #41 put together resources below on the new State of IL curriculum requirement around LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer) and provided some ideas of ways parents or guardians can begin these discussions with their child(ren).
In addition there are also resources around speaking with your child/children on Race and Equity.
These are ONLY a sample of resources, if parents are looking for ideas and/or would like to use any of them in daily conversations with family.


Online Resources to Help Your Child(ren) with Online Learning


RIMSD Specific: These videos were made during the spring 2020 COVID Remote Learning time so a few small changes may occur, based on the situation (i.e. grades, when to turn in assignments, etc.) The overall details of these videos will be helpful in any situation.


General Videos That Are Not RIMSD Specific Yet Very Helpful:

  • How to keep my child focused and motivated with Remote Learning? How Do I Help My Child with Online Work?
  • Time Management:

Other Remote Learning Resources for Parents:


Other Important Topics for Parents


Community Resources (to add what is on www.rimsd41.org https://www.rimsd41.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1694629&type=d&pREC_ID=1855392

Google Tools
Important Note: No individual outside of the RIMSD staff member conducting the remote lesson, is able to record any virtual session. Parents may not record their child participating in an RIMSD Remote Session.