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Rock Island - MilanSchool District #41

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RIMSD #41 2020-21 School Year Plan

The Rock Island-Milan Board of Education approved Superintendent Dr. Lawrence's Return to Learn School Year plan to begin the 2020-21 school year with remote learning. 
The plan calls for:
  • Keeping current school year calendar intact and beginning August 3rd with Full Remote Learning Plan
  • Using August 3rd-5th as Remote Learning Planning Days
  • Students begin remote learning on August 6th with Full Remote Learning Plan
  • Students and staff transition to Blended Learning Plan (in-person and remote) on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, pending city-wide health concerns
  • Following all Governor, Illinois Department of Public Health and Illinois State Board of Education regulations
A detailed draft of the plans (Remote and Blended Learning) are posted on the website for parents, students and staff to review. Community sessions will be planned the week of July 27 for parents and students to ask questions and address concerns. 