Printing Center
Mailroom / Printing
The Rock Island-Milan School District Printing and Mailroom is located at the Administration Center, 2000 7th Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201.
Copying / Printing
A new print requisition is available from your school secretary and through the link below. Discard the old versions.
Give as much information as possible to avoid delay of your order.
Be sure to mark all four bracketed items; defaults are listed.
Please list the actual number of original pages you sent to be copied, not the number of packets or books sent.
Allow two weeks or more for copy orders. Machine malfunctions and large numbers of requests will affect turnaround time.
Allow two weeks or more for copy orders. Machine malfunctions and large numbers of requests will affect turnaround time.
There will be NO ASAP orders, any ASAP orders will need to be done at your school. Mark your envelope PRINTING or COPYING to help with distribution.
All printing requests will be processed as promptly as possible. Please keep in mind: copy center staff is only allocated one hour per day for print jobs. This may result in potential delays for some requests.
Please make sure the information you send is clear, legible, and complete. Adrienne France-Moore, [email protected], 309-581-2141.
Your assistance in following the procedures below will ensure timely processing!
Mail Room
Postal Mail
- Outbound letters must contain a full, completely visible address on the front of the envelope. Mail WILL be returned by USPS for incomplete delivery information ie. name of addressee, apartment or unit number, zip code, etc.
- It is impossible to double check every envelope to be run through the meter. Your extra effort to ensure accuracy helps avoid the unnecessary cost and delay of improperly labeled mail.
- Return addresses are important on district mail!
- The meter is capable of sealing envelopes while applying postage. Envelopes must have each flap down to run through the meter.
- Rubber band outgoing envelopes before putting them into the mail bag. Loose mail is a mess to sort and paper clips don’t work.
- Advance notice of large mailings is always appreciated!
- DO NOT send down postage prepaid or postage stamped mail. Items such as prepaid SSA requests, response postcards, Scholastic orders, and personal mail should be placed directly into your buildings outgoing mail for prompt delivery.
Inter-district Mailbags
- Whenever possible, re-use brown inter-building envelopes for district routing. #10 business envelopes tend to get lost in the outgoing mail.
- Be sure the previous addressee has been crossed out and your intended recipient is clearly noted. If an envelope has seen better days, please discard or recycle it.