PACE » Postsecondary and Career Expectations

Postsecondary and Career Expectations

RIMSD has designed a customized PACE Framework to be implemented in grades 7-12 during 2023-2024.  
PACE (Postsecondary and Career Expectations) is designed to ensure that all students, grades 7-12, have experiences and opportunities that support the following three areas:
  • Career Exploration and Development
  • Postsecondary Education Exploration, Preparation, and Selection
  • Financial Aid and Literacy

In June 2022, HouseBill 3296 was signed into law (Public Act 102-0917), requiring that school districts adopt either the model Illinois PaCE Framework or a customized version during the coming years. By July 1, 2024, schools must include grade 6.  RIMSD will continue to refine its PACE framework and work to include grade 6 over the next year.  The PACE Framework is one component of the State's Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) Act.