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Rock Island - MilanSchool District #41

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RIMSD#41 Comes Together to Stop Hunger

The 2022 River Bend Food Bank's Student Hunger Drive has wrapped up and Rock Island School/Thurgood Marshall Learning Center had a successful campaign!
Every year Quad-City high schools compete for six weeks to see who can collect the most food for the River Bend Food Bank.
The Rock Island Milan School district collected 19,224 lbs. This amounts to 11.05 pounds per student. Our students, teachers, administrators, and community have provided 29,218 meals to families in need!
Schools in the RIMSD#41 held their own campaigns to collect food to go towards the campaign. Eugene Field was once again the school that collected the most. They collected 89 boxes (more than 6,000 cans) and 1,622.00 in monetary donations! Denkmann Elementary School came in second, surpassing their 2,022 item goal with a grand total of 2,580 items!

As an incentive to reach the school goal of 6,000 cans, Eugene Field teacher Mr. Allison agreed to dress as a unicorn and dance on the roof. 
Rocky held different events, including a powderpuff football game where people good drop off donations or donate canned food items as their admission to the game.
Thank you to everyone who donated!