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Rock Island - MilanSchool District #41

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Poster Campaign Promotes Mental Health Wellness

Stay; we need you.
We can’t replace you.
You are important.
Their message is clear, you matter. The Rocky Gray Matters Chapter created a very impactful poster campaign for Suicide Prevention Month. 
The campaign involved students and staff taking pictures holding signs with different sayings. The pictures will be printed off and hung as posters throughout the building. 
“We wanted to get a variety of students, staff, administration, etc. to promote mental health wellness,” said Michelle Greenwood, one of the advisors for Rocky Gray Matters.
Mrs. Greenwood says the signs will be used to help promote mental health within the school and the community.
“We hope the posters will change the conversation about mental health awareness and suicide prevention in our community,” said Greenwood. 
In addition to the posters, last year Rocky Gray Matters had 20 signs made that are posted throughout the building. Each one had different sayings they hope will impact students. They also provide the Suicide Hotline number on them. 
gray matters sign
gray matters sign
The club has also done a variety of different activities this month including writing positive messages outside the school with chalk and participating in the Gray Matters Keep Marching Forward march. 
The club says if their campaign can impact one person it’s worth it. They want everyone to know it’s okay not to be okay and they don’t have to struggle silently. 

 gray matters signs

gray matters sign

gray matters sign

gray matters sign

gray matters sign

gray matters signs

Gray Matters Signs

Gray matters signs

gray matters signs

gray matters signs

gray matters signs
