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Rock Island - MilanSchool District #41

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A lesson in listening: students take on podcast production

For eighth grader Nora Clark, it was an easy decision.
"That's all I really talk about is shoes," said Nora.
The elevation behind sneakers is the topic she chose for her podcast.
Nora and the rest of her classmates in Publications Class have been tasked with making a podcast. 
"I wanted to expose my students to different media and I enjoyed listening to podcasts myself," said Publications teacher Lauren Hall.
Seventh and eighth graders in the class got to choose the topic of their podcast. From there, students learned how to story tell, interview, public speaking, and put a podcast together.
Students are graded based on introduction, content, delivery, and interviewing. 
Nora researched to learn more about the history of shoes and for her interviewee, she chose her classmate Pj. "I enjoy doing it."
She says the hardest part has been the recording process, "Messing up is the worst part. I have started over like eight times," said Nora. 
Once the podcasts are done students will reflect on each other's podcasts through a reflection sheet. 
The biggest lesson Ms. Hall hopes her students learn is finding their voice, "I hope students understand the benefits of sharing your voice with others and public speaking, and I hope they develop a love of listening to them."
Ms. Hall helps students with their podcast
Ms. Hall helps her students with their podcasts.
students working on their podcasts
students working on their podcasts
students working on their podcasts