Teaching and Learning » Eureka Math Squared & Amplify Science Resources

Eureka Math Squared & Amplify Science Resources

Eureka Math Squared K-5 Resources

Welcome to the Rock Island-Milan School District’s Eureka Math Squared resource page for parents! Below you will find grade-level module tip sheets and homework helpers.

To access Eureka Math Squared online material, videos, and helpful tips for Eureka Math, go to https://greatminds.org/math/eurekamathsquared/family-engagement

Family Math Letters (Levels K–5)

Our Family Math letters provide a topic overview that includes a content narrative, images of models and strategies, and key terminology. It also includes ideas for topic-related math activities that may be done at home or in school. Family Math letters are only included for levels K–5. In levels 1–5, they are found in the Apply book. In level K, the Family Math component is included in the Learn book.

Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Amplify Science Resources
Resources for Parents & Caregivers
The Caregiver Hub gives an overview of Amplify Science and provides recommendations on how caregivers can assist students at home. Be sure to check out the Questions for at-home discussion resources!