E-Learning » Student Resources

Student Resources



Resources to Help You with E Learning

  • Ways to Get and Stay Focused and Motivated:
      • Tips:
        • Reduce the amount of time you spend on your chromebook/computer/ipad/etc. 
        • Set up a schedule you follow each school day. (Stick to a routine.)
        • Eat healthy meals.
        • Set achievable goals for yourself.
        • Take small breaks and step away from your computer or assignment for a few minutes. Do not stay seated all day.
        • Develop rewards for yourself when you complete an assignment or reach a goal.
        • Take time to play outside, talk to friends, exercise, etc.
        • Identify a social emotional learning activity to participate in each day.
        • Stay in contact with your teachers.
        • When you get frustrated or something becomes too difficult, contact your teacher for help. (Email, Google Classroom, phone calls, etc.)
      • Work with your parents/guardians to assist you with ideas.
  • How to Use Google Classroom

  • Basic Computer Skills
  • Typing Skills